
Japanese shrine. Marital trees. Winter day.


Japanese shrine. Marital trees. Winter day.
Body dullness nowhere. When using a PCor feel the dizziness. When it feel the limitations of the mind, and out for a walk, I can take a bath. Keystone habit? Surely, I think we need a "sense of accomplishment" in daily life. To do this, you need a fine schedule. For I hope to achieve one by one.
Today it is the diary that was good, and that was bad.
That it was good.
One. I was able to avoid the warning of violations of the blog. I could, but I fear.
Two. Also lunch, dinner was delicious as well. Delicious baked mackerel.
Three. Dividend of the shares went. 16 650 yen.
One bad thing.
One. Affiliate revenue was not good. I feel uneasy about relying on the Internet.
